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Mind Over Matter

“Our Essence of Mind is intrinsically pure. All things are only its manifestations, and good deeds and evil deeds are only the result of good thoughts and evil thoughts respectively. Imagination, thought and will make deeds, and by our deeds we make ourselves. All that we are is the result of our thoughts; it is founded on our thoughts, made up of our thoughts.” (The Patriarch Hui-neng)

The mind over matter philosophy depicts of the ‘MIND’ to be the supreme of all the things and all the other things around us are subservient to it.
Your mind should stay impervious to all the troubling factors in the surroundings, potent enough not to get disturbed from the irritants present around. Irrespective of the size and gravity of the situation one is confronted with, the mind should be calm and in a pleasant mind and all the nerves of the mind should be enveloped by the hard covering of belief that as the ultimate source–The God— is with me and the ultimate victory belongs to me, so what is it to be disturbed by problems.
Reality is what it is because your mind has made it so. Your physical reality can change without your involvement, which can temporarily make you happier if the change is good, but another dip in circumstances will send you cascading down into the doldrums again. That is, of course, if you haven’t learned a bit about mind over matter. Your mind is not some static beast, as good as it ever will be and largely outside of your control, as many think of it. It’s actually nimble, and very responsive to how you use it.
You need to train your mind to change your brain. The brain of a master pianist is radically different from that of a musical beginner. Someone who loses their vision really does have their other senses rewired and improved.
There’s therefore no question that how you use your brain can have a dramatic effect on your life.

Motherly Love

Lion Cab Saved By Mum

If even lions can show HUMANITY, who are we to be so inhuman to our own kind?

“Love has the power of making you believe what you would normally treat with the deepest suspicion.” – Mirabeau…and ain’t it suspicion that leads to war? Food for thought.

Whatever the mind can
conceive and believe, it can achieve.
-Napoleon Hill
The basic principle is that whatever your mind can imagine… it can create. How does your mind do this? What your mind thinks, sees, believes, feels is all sent to your subconscious mind — it’s great partner, the real power within you. Your Subconscious Mind then works with the universe and creates your reality based on the messages that began in your mind. But its not enough to simply imagine it and then hope it happens. That’s not the way it works. If you can imagine it you can achieve it — but you need to know how to use the power of your mind and subconscious mind.
It is said that humans only use around ten percent of their Mind Power. What about the remaining ninety percent? Imagine what would happen if you could access all of it; it would be amazing!
Although the source of esp and psychic powers is still a subject which mainstream science finds difficult to explain, it is generally agreed that people with these powers are able to use parts of their brain that others do not access.

We are taught all manner of things from an early age, except vital information like how to use our minds to their full potential!

You are able to experience incredible things when you reprogram your subconscious mind!

At last scientists can now prove what has been said by the ancient religions for many thousands of years. ‘Reality is merely a product of your mind. You can change your reality by changing your mind…’